
Thursday, February 25, 2010

Top Three Thursday- Food

Our Top Three Thursday is about favorite foods! This one was super easy for me. I like real food mostly and would pass for dessert to eat an extra salad. I know, I'm weird. Anyway here is my top 3!

1.PIZZA- I could eat this every day. Even though most people know I don't like cheese, melted mozzarella is definitely the exception. Can't get enough of it.
2. PASTA! Call me Italian or something, but I love pasta. I could have it for every meal and it runs in the family.
3. SALAD! I don't put too many things in my salad, usually black olives, cucumber, bacon bits, Italian dressing and lettuce. The olive garden makes a great salad and I could get a refill on the bowl about 3 times.
This all made me really hungry and I'm thinking a trip to an Italian restaurant is in order soon! What are your top three foods?

1 comment:

  1. I'm gonna have to go with:

    1. Pasta
    2. Mexican
    3. Pizza

