
Monday, March 15, 2010

Square Foot Garden Assembly

David started and completed work on our square foot garden this weekend! If you know David then you know that he has to take it to another level. He wanted to make the box movable, easier to reach and away from the dogs height. Here is a photo of the inspiration. It is from the show Big Brother. We would always watch Jeff water the garden and it was nicer looking than just setting it on the ground.
This is David getting started. Some of the supplies you see here are actual home depot display racks that were nicely placed on top of their dumpster. Nothing like a good deal, but he did ask permission to take some things that were in and around their dumpster on Saturday.
You may be asking your self  "what are they doing with those little kid bikes?" Well, when we went to goodwill a few people thought we had twin boys that we were buying bikes for. That was not the case, we even had to wait to make sure someone didn't really want to purchase the bike for their kids. We actually just used the wheels off of them.
While at the Depot, I gathered most of my seeds and supplies. I read that strawberries and onions were harder to grow than the others so I got some bulbs and extra help for them. Here is the variety. I might be missing something, but you will get the gist of what we will be growing! It's very exciting.

It's coming together!

All done! It even has a handle for steering. Now we can move it all around the yard or out of the way. We still have to figure out a lining or what we will put down before planting occurs.

I came across some great spreadsheets that the $5 dinners blog put up on gardening. She has pdf's you can download and record what you are planting and when to harvest your produce. Here is a link to the blog post.

Didn't David do a great job? The total cost spent so far on building and gardening supplies: Approx. $100. Stay tuned for more planting posts in the coming weeks as we get ready to start!


  1. Jen you posted a picture of me watering the plants. I didn't know you were going to do that.

  2. DANG david look at your muscles!! Great job really though, I can't believe the things that you create!

  3. Oh my gosh that is so crazy!!!!! How cool!!! GREAT JOB David- that is very impressive!! I'm so excited to see how your garden turns out Jenn!

  4. Awesome job David! And that bendy ladder looks amazing and so functional. Jen- only 1 pack of cilantro seeds?
