
Monday, March 1, 2010

Steak Kabobs & Weekend Update

Last weekend when it was warm for a few days we decided to fire up the grill. I am behind on posting some recipes so I might post more than 1 per day. These were just our own mix. We used steak cut up, red peppers, and onions. We marinated the steak in soy sauce, Worcestershire sauce, and McCormick's grill seasoning (I think that's the name, but its the best stuff for steak and burgers). 
All grilled up and tasty. I can't wait for it to be warm and spring soon!
This weekend looked really warm out, but it was in the 50's so you really still had to bundle. I picked some weeds and enjoyed it a little bit, but Molly was the one out there a lot! Here is a photo of her enjoying the dead grass mix.

No crate update for Miss Molly: Starting Jan 1, we wanted to try and leave molly to roam the house and I am happy to say that we have not put molly's crate back up in the family room. We did have issues the first 3 weeks, but after that she has been an angel (knock on wood). She also has a dog door that she can go in and out from and right in front of it started to collect a lot of grass and dirt from outside. We were having to mop the floor more often. So this weekend we got her a nice entrance mat for her door and hopefully this will help. Sorry the lighting was bad so you can't see it that well.
 I also made homemade chicken salad and put it on croissants. I'll post the recipe later this week. Happy Monday everyone!


  1. Molly has her own door and I still don't have a key.

  2. Those kabobs look DELICIOUS!!!!!!

    Molly looks so cute in that pic, I hope she's excited about her nice entrance!

    P.S- Your homemade chicken salad on croissants was amazing!!!!! :)
