
Thursday, April 1, 2010

Top Three Thursday- Things I Can't Live Without

This week's top three is on things we can't live without. 

1 & 2. The Internet/Computer/iphone- I am on the computer/internet all the time... At work, at home & on my phone. With my family being out of town we have nightly "family chats" on AOL instant messenger a lot. I read blogs, articles and do all my research on there. David calls me "the internet girl" to all his friends. I would go nuts if I couldn't get online for a few days. 
 3. Friends and Family! (sorry I cheated on this one)- I really couldn't think of another "thing" that I couldn't live without. I will leave you with a pic of all our wonderful family, some near and some far!
What is your top three things you couldn't live without?

Also, Happy April Fools Day! I can't believe its already April. We had some tricks being played around our office today. They put up fake video camera's around like they were monitoring us (they even moved based on a motion sensor),  lots of fake bugs and cockroaches everywhere, and some funny texts and emails were shared by all. What tricks did you play or have been played on you?

1 comment:

  1. I would have to agree with yours but I'd have to lump it like this (in no particular order)...

    1. Laptop/Internet
    2. Mexican Food/Pasta
    3. Family/Friends and of course our boys (our 4 cats)!
