
Monday, May 17, 2010

Lady Antebellum and Tim Mcgraw Concert!!

I have been so pumped for this concert for a while now. I love Lady Antebellum and I like Tim Mcgraw's songs so I was pretty excited.  I just didn't want to spend a ton for tickets so we got lawn tickets. It was at Aarons Amphitheater close to the airport. We decided to get there around 4pm to tailgate and hang out before the 7pm show. The parking lot must have just opened because we drove right in and got a 2nd row parking spot. David set up the pop-up tent and we enjoyed some yummy food and beverages while people watching and listening to music. The only downside here was there were only 2 porta potties for the thousands of people that were there. I mean really, 2! There were people in the woods forming boy and girl separate areas to use the woods to go to the bathroom, I'm told. I held it until we went in the concert and then the line was shorter. You weren't cool unless you had these country outfits on. Guy attire for the night- You definitely either needed jean overalls with nothing underneath or no shirts and cowboy hats. Girls had to have the boots and cute dresses. We weren't prepared for all of that, but Lacey had the cute dress. 
Here is a picture of the lines for the bathroom. It took approx. 45 mins to get through the line.
Here is a group shot, minus my David, he's in a bunch of pictures later so don't worry. From left to right we have Melissa, Dana, Brandon, David, Lacey, Me and Hunter. We had a fun in our tailgate area.
These are random shots of everyone hanging out and having fun before and during the concert.
This was a shot of Tim McGraw during the concert, sorry about all the people in the photo. We were quite far away, but still had a pretty good view. It is on a huge hill so it was good for seeing, but not good for walking around and getting in and out.

I was just amazed at how many people were there so I took this photo so you can see how crazy it was! We had a great time though and I'm glad we live in a big city to have all these popular country acts come to town!


  1. so glad you all had so much fun!! I still have that "1, 2, 3 like a bird..." song in my head haha

  2. I had SO MUCH FUN!!!! I'm so glad we went- it was definitely an awesome experience!!
