
Thursday, May 20, 2010

Top Three Thursday- Iphone Apps.

Today's top three is on Iphone Apps! I'm sorry if you don't have one, they are the best phones ever and we are both addicted to ours. Since David and I both have them we will both share ours. He is guest blogging his top 3!
1.) Dragon Dictation: I like this one because I spend a lot of time on the roads or in a rush and don’t have time to type out a long text. It's a voice recognition software that types what you speak. This app. works great about 95% of the time, which is pretty good.
2.) Google Search: I like this app. a lot. I just tell it what I’m looking for and bam there it is. You speak instead of typing out what you are searching for. It can also link to your maps so it can show you the way to the place you just looked up.
3.) Jibbigo: Now this app I don’t use as much as others, but I think it is worth the shout out on my top 3. It is very similar to the dragon diction app, but it changes the English to any other language you want and says it for you. It also goes the other way so if someone says something in Spanish it will say it in English.  This little app. will be coming on our trips for now on (it works while on airplane mode so you don’t get any data charges out of the U.S.).
I have a ton more but those are the 3 I use the most.
Jen's top 3 App's- I choose apps that are cool, but not that common. I'll share my everyday apps. after too.
1.) Knocking Live Video: This app. is really cool. You can knock with someone else who has an iphone. They just have to sign up for an account. Once the other person answers you can see what is on their screen like a video camera. We used it when my brother and sister were in Mexico. I got to tour around their hotel and hang by the pool. The only downside is that there is no voice, so you can't hear anything.
2.) Air Cam (costs money): This app. you can use with a camera that is on your laptop/computer. We set it up so that we could watch Molly during the day. You just have to install software on your computer and you can log into it using your IP address. We get to see Molly sleeping on the couch and when she would get up, we can tell what direction she is going, but not exactly what she is doing. It is still really cool. Here is a picture I took from my camera that showed Molly on the video, it's a bit blurry though. She sleeps a lot, but is so darn cute.
3.) Stitcher- This is an app. that has podcasts. They are like mini radio shows on a variety of topics. I like to listen of course to the Dave Ramsey podcast, and Money girl. David introduced me to it so he loves the technology podcasts. You can choose your favorite shows and it updates everyday with a new show to listen to.
The more common ones that I love are of course Facebook, Redbox, Pandora, Tmz, The Weather Channel, Usa Today, Dish, and Bank of America.
What are some of your top apps? We are always looking for new fun ones!

1 comment:

  1. I'm so glad to you posted about all of these apps- I hardly have any of these! They look awesome!!
