
Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Chicken Kiev and Risotto

Here is another yummy recipe for you today. I've been doing a lot of cooking and trying new recipes. I probably haven't made the same thing for dinner, with a few exceptions (spaghetti and pizza), since I started this blog in January. This recipe is called Chicken Kiev and comes from my sister's friend Marquie. There were a couple of firsts for me in this recipe. I rolled chicken and made risotto for the first time! One was easier than the other.
4 Whole Chicken Breast
1/2 cup Parm Cheese
1/2 cup bread crumbs
1 1/2 tsp Oregeno
1/2 tsp Garlic Salt
1/4 tsp pepper
9 tbls butter
1 tbls parsley
Monterey Jack cheese
Flaten Chicken breast. In pie pan combine grated cheese, bread crumbs, 1 tsp oregeno, garlic salt and pepper. In another pie pan combine 4 tbls melted butter, parsley, 1/2 tsp oregeno, mix together. Pour 1/2 tbls of butter mix in chicken.  
Roll chicken in remainder of butter then roll in bread crumb mix. I added cheese(mozzarella for me) in the inside before I rolled to get more in. Secure with toothpick if needed. This was way easier than I thought it was going to be. Drizzle remainder of butter and bread mix over chicken if any left. Bake at 425 for 20 minutes or 375 for 30 minutes if your making lots of chicken.
Onto the risotto! I had the hardest time finding it in the grocery store. I found it in the specialty pasta section on the bottom shelf. I followed the directions right on the package. It takes a lot of chicken broth, time and patience! It turned out pretty good and was really yummy.
I really enjoyed this one! It would be great for company except you'll want to cook the risotto ahead of time. Thanks Michelle for passing it on!


  1. this recipe is AMAZING, you wouldn't think it's anything crazy based on the recipe, but it is a TOP dinner of mine. So thanks for reminding me about this.. (James wants me to make a spread sheet- he always likes spread sheets) of all our meal choices we like and a link to a recipe or document so when we (really me) have trouble making a decision, he could pull up this spreadsheet. go ahead and work on that ok? OR make me a big cook book binder? got it?

  2. Michelle- I got an accordion file and divided it into breakfast, dinners, desserts, sides and appetizers. I print off all the recipes that get a thumbs up and file them away! I tend to forget a lot of meals we like, so that has really helped.
