
Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Menu Plan Tuesday

I think I get an excuse for posting this on Tuesday since yesterday was a holiday and I just couldn't get myself organized. I like to post the recipes on here so I can reference back easily. My favorite recipe from last week is the one I posted today. The grilled corn salsa was amazing as a meal and would be great for parties as a dip. Oh, and we finally made that chocolate cobbler from a few weeks back! I'll post on that later this week. This week though, nothing has seemed good to me so I went searching around the internet for inspiration. Here is what I came up with.

Meal 1- Crock Pot Santa Fe Chicken with Mexican Rice. I never did make this last week. I am adding the Mexican rice in because I hear it's fantastic.

Meal 2- Tasty Lettuce Wraps from The Pioneer Woman

Meal 3- Chicken Strips- I'm way behind on my Oprah's (like 3 months) so I just watched the episode on making your own chicken fingers and was craving them.

Meal 4- Pasta with Sausage & Tomatoes:  I took this from a fellow menu plan Monday blogger. I just can't remember who.
4 c. rigatoni
1 lb. italian sausage, either in casing- cut up, or loose
1 sliced red onion
1/4 c. tomato paste
1/4 c. sun dried tomato salad dressing
1/4 c. chopped parsley
1/4 grated parmesean cheese

Cook pasta, brown sausage and drain, add in onions and tomato paste- cover and cook 15 min. Stir in dressing, serve on top of the pasta, top with parsley and cheese.

Meal 5- Black Bean Burgers- I've always wanted to try a burger without ground beef/turkey and with all the bbq's this weekend I don't want a real hamburger for a little while.

Meal 6- Stuffed Pizza Rolls- Oldie but a goodie. If you haven't made these yet, you need to try them. Have I posted this one yet? I can't remember, but they are amazing! You can use any toppings inside that you would like.

What are you cooking this week? I need more suggestions, I'm starting to eat the same things over and over. Check out Organizing Junkie for more menu ideas.

1 comment:

  1. yummm all these sound delicious. I really wish we lived closer so we could have each other over for dinner and share all this yummy food!!
