
Thursday, June 3, 2010

Top Three Thursday- Websites!

You've probably heard me talk about most all of these websites, but I'll elaborate on why these are my top 3 websites!
1. I love this site because not only does she have great recipes, they are also very practical and affordable. Most all her meals for a family of 4 are $5 total. Even though we are only a family of 2 right now, its still good practice and her site just ties in to my lifestyle of healthy, affordable meals. She also just came out with a cookbook that I haven't ordered yet, but its on my list.
2. I visit this site daily for deals. She is in the south and her coupon match-ups are compatible with my region. She has 14 stores that she matches up coupons with each week. I spend a few hours on her site before I make my grocery list each week. Every Sunday, when Kroger puts out her ad I can count on southern savers to have the match-ups posted already.
3. Her website is ridiculously amazing. I normally only go to her cooking page every day, but if you look at all her tabs it's crazy. She cooks, does photography, home schools, has a home & garden section etc.. She has great recipes and instructions on step by step on how to make something. Be sure to click on the cooking page and tasty kitchen.

Runner ups- Atlanta Bargain Hunter- always good deals and happenings in the Atlanta area. Budgets are the New Black. I like her site because she talks about getting out of debt and financial obstacles that most families face. She is also a military wife and its interesting to read her stories. Fairhope Foodie. She pairs her recipes with Publix shopping trips and I just like a majority of the things she cooks. Sometimes I read blogs about recipes and say, "man, I wouldn't eat any of this". But with her recipes, most all of them are "my style" and not hard to make. What are your top 3 websites? They don't have to be food related, but apparently I love food and that's what I read about all the time!

1 comment:

  1. Didn't know about 5 dollar dinners... might have to check that one out!
