
Monday, July 26, 2010

Fun in the Sun!

This weekend we spent most of our time out on Lake Lanier. We borrowed Amber's boat for Davids best friend David's birthday. He turned the big 3-0 last Thursday. I tagged along on Saturday when the boys were wake boarding and hanging out. On sunday we went back out with just David and Dana. Here is a picture of the birthday boy.

Here are some action shot of the pros showing us how it's done (David and David).
After watching everyone else go, I was gaining the courage to give it a try. I have only tried skiing a few times probably 10-15 years ago.
 Here I am waiting to go. The first time, I let go of the handle and rope because it was so heavy, it didn't feel right. No one really stressed how hard it was going to be to hold on to the rope. But, magically on the second try, look what happened!
I got up!! I stayed up for maybe 30 seconds. I was definitely screaming the whole time I was up, too bad we didn't take video on this one. I wasn't sure what to do next so I just let go and down I went.
Here is a close up shot of me that I zoomed in at so just in case you didn't believe it was me. It's still kinda hard to see, but I did it! I was so sore even right after this went down. My arms and legs feel like I worked out for a week straight. I am glad I tried it, but probably won't be doing this as a hobby.
Even Dana gave it a shot after she saw me go. She hurt her elbow and also found it so difficult to hang on to the rope. I am proud she tried it, even after all the water in the nose and the hurt elbow! We had fun just hanging in sunset cove and floating around all afternoon, we had entertainment all around us. Happy Birthday David!


  1. Sorry about the photo. We really have to get a better camera. You did so good.

  2. aww David is so sweet! Your Lake weekend looked like so much fun!! I can't believe you got up on your SECOND try... that's AWESOME!!

  3. Congrats, Jen! Looks like you have a lot of fun on that lake :)

  4. I am seriously so proud of you Jen!! Great job!!
