
Monday, July 12, 2010

Lake Lanier & Botanical Gardens!

Last weekend we also got the chance to go out on Amber's Boat with the family. We had a great time swimming, floating and we even grilled out on shore for a little bit. It was perfect weather for fourth of july weekend. Our favorite part was coming in and out of the cove and finding our perfect lake house. My mom loved seeing our lake, but it doesn't compare in size to Lake Ontario in Upstate NY that she has. Thanks again Amber!!
Since my mom was only here so long we also got in a trip to the botanical gardens. It was a bit hot that day, but we still had fun walking around and looking at all the pretty flowers.
Notice our nice flip flops, looks aside you should definitely bring better walking shoes.
              Mr. Frog even wanted to be in our picture, or did michelle turn into a frog, JUST KIDDING!!
My favorite part was the edible gardens since I'm trying to grow my own. They had a wall of herbs and they were in there sideways! Speaking of garden, you should see my zucchini, it is huge and we are going to pick it today!!

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