
Thursday, July 15, 2010

Top Three Thursday- Talents

This weeks topic is top three talents that we wish we had! 
1.) I wish I had the talent to sew! My sister and I were talking about this and we want to be able to take our pants up (because they are always too long) and shorten curtains, replace buttons, make pillows etc... The good thing about this talent is that this can be learned! So one day we want to take lessons and learn how to do the basics. We did take home economics in high school and made stuffed animals. My mom, grandma and Aunt sew quite well, we've just never had the interest when we were younger.
2.) Ability to sing! I don't want to be a professional, I just want to sound decent. I only sing in my car, in front of David (sorry) and my sister because I know I'm that bad.
3.) Be more crafty & creative- This one is just a general statement. I wish decorating, crafts and projects came more naturally. My mom is super crafty and some of that rubbed off on me, but not fully. This one I can also try to work on, but the natural ability just isn't fully there. I wish I had a room that looked like this.
What are your top 3 talents you wish you had? Check out Lacey's blog if you want to participate or read other top threes!

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