
Monday, August 30, 2010

New Technology All Around

Last weekend we had a crazy thunderstorm with tons of lightening that knocked out the internet and cable. Thank goodness for my iphone with internet access or I would have been lost. One of the tv's upstairs worked, but not any recording device. I had to watch things live, how awful is that?! Of course it happened to all coincide with David leaving town. Why would anything work right when hes not home? So I spent hours on the phone with Dish network and Comcast trying to fix all these devices. My conclusions were: The wireless router was blown and so was the dvr. They sent me a new dvr box and we had to go buy a new router. We also tried to fix our nice big Laser printer that David got when his company was moving buildings.
It had ********** all over the display screen. By the time we were done trying to troubleshoot it ourselves it went to a blank screen. If I had known how much this printer was, we could have sold it when we got it. It's worth over $700 used! Big bummer! We are still going to try to fix it, but needed something reliable for right now. I scoured the internet and newspaper ads for the best deal and this is what we got.
 I got this for $65 at staples. They were the winners because they had a $5 off coupon! We are happy with our purchases. So we spent the weekend hooking up all these fun devices. I hooked up the dvr all by myself with lots of complaints. We took a pic of the back of the dvr so I could hook it up just like it was, good thing David was around because that was the best idea we had all day.
I wish we had a more exciting weekend to share, but had to get this stuff done. We also did have dinner with David parents at Olive Garden for never ending Pasta bowls! Thanks to my Mom and Dad for the gift card!


  1. Great idea to take a pic so you could plug everything in correctly!! Good for you for doing it too!! I can't stand stuff like that!

  2. I seriously want Olive Garden now, next time you go save me some breadsticks!! haha
