
Monday, August 2, 2010

Up The River!

This weekend was another sun filled weekend for us. We went floating down the Chattahoochee River with David's family. As you can recall we went 2 weeks ago with my friends from work. Check those photos out here. We were becoming pros. Thanks Gina for taking the photos as usual. I do have some photos on our camera that I will post when I finally get a chance to upload them.
Here are some of the gals. I look so enthused. We had been waiting for about 2 hours by this point (it was really crowded) and it was hot.
Here are some of the guys waiting patiently to load the buses.
Here we are on the bus. There is a nicer picture of us two, but let's all face it, this is David.
Let the chaos begin. David and I had the plan of getting the first person in the rope and then as eveyrone was getting in we'd just tied up and keep it moving. Well we ended up at the end and everyone just started going in. Sooo we ended up with choas on the water. The kids got in first and there was no organization. 
And it continues, David was trying to get us in our circle.
Getting closer...
Darrin's only concern was passing out the beverages and relaxing. Here he is in action. At least he was consistent the whole day.
Here is Davids cooler. It is actually a lobster bag with mesh on it. The water is seriously 40-50 degrees so no need for a cooler. We dropped the beverages in there and we were all set. 
Here is Ashley and Stefan. Aren't they cute?
Another one of our good ideas was to bring an umbrella. Call us crazy, but it was HOT and that water was freezing. There was really no way to cool off. 
 Here is Gina and Mark relaxing on the river.
 Group shot minus Stefan.
Group shot minus David. We had a blast! We also went to the Gwinnett Braves game Saturday night and out on the Lake with Amber on Sunday. So it was a fun filled sun weekend! We are trying to recoup and get ready for my birthday weekend coming up!


  1. I'm exhausted just reading this :)

  2. Lobster bag cooler is cool!
    Umbrella is hilarious!

    Looks like you guys had a great time!
