
Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Date Night Out

 On Saturday night we decided to go to dinner at PF Changs for date night.
Here is our family portrait. Molly decided to hang out for our pictures, wasn't that nice of her. Take note of one of my new dresses. 
I love it because when I do turns the dress twirls with me as seen here.
 We started out the evening with some warm sake.
For dinner we had the chicken lettuce wraps and spicy chicken. We ate the lettuce wraps too fast to photograph. If you haven't tried them, they are definitely a must! I made my own lettuce wraps that taste pretty close, check them out here.
 After dinner we decided we wanted to go into Darrin and Stacey's (David's brother and sister in law) hot tub. They were out of town for a wedding so we invited ourselves over. Here is David posing on the back deck. Look at all the fun decor. His lights are motion sensored on a dim, so as we walked over it was very nice mood lighting.
So we hung out and had some drinks. It looks like the hot tub has issues, but those are all the frothy bubbles. It was a very relaxing end to our fun date night. Thanks Darrin and Stacey!


  1. What a fun date night! Love your new dress and your twirling picture made me smile! I still need to try PF Changs!

  2. Sounds like a nice date night!! I LOVE your family portrait! And your dress is so cute!! I still haven't been to PF Changs and I need to try their lettuce wraps because the ones you made were delicious!

  3. are your friends nuts, they haven't been to pf changs?!
