
Monday, October 18, 2010

Freezer Cooking!

Do you ever feel that when you get home from work, make dinner and clean up that its time for bed? Well, it is getting dark earlier so that doesn't help. I love to make dinner every night and sometimes it takes too long so I've been reading up about Batch Freezer Cooking. A bunch of the food blogs I read talk about this all the time. I have done it a few times, but not in the capacity that they are speaking of. You can spend 1 day and prep/make a bunch of meals for your  freezer. I know what some of you are thinking. "I don't eat leftovers" or "It will go bad in there". Those are both false statements. Life As Mom has GREAT posts about freezer cooking, so start by clicking here.

Let's get started! Click here to read more and download a free freezer cooking planning sheet. Need more information? Here is some more reading for ya.
So, what can you make and freeze? Let me show you a recipe I recently made. I made 1 for me and 1 for a friend who had a baby recently so don't forget to double the recipe).

Baked Chicken-Bacon Alfredo from Our Best Bites-
Ingredients- (You can double the recipe if you want to make more than 1 dish)
8 oz. penne or bowtie pasta
1 jar of sun dried tomato alfredo (or any alfredo you like)
2 chicken breasts, grilled and chopped (about 2 c. chopped chicken) I marinated mine in Italian dressing.
6 oz. (1/2 package) cooked bacon, chopped
1 14-oz. jar marinated artichoke hearts, drained and chopped
1/2 c. chopped green onions (about 1 decent-sized bunch)
1 c. shredded mozzarella cheese, divided
Salt and pepper, to taste
 Here are the cut up grilled chicken and green onions.
 Artichoke and diced up bacon.
Prepare pasta according to package directions.When pasta is done, drain and add to the sauce. Toss with chopped chicken, bacon, artichoke hearts, green onions, and 1/2 c. mozzarella. Season to taste.
Transfer mixture to an 8x8" baking dish and sprinkle with remaining 1/2 c. mozzarella cheese. I used a glass 9 x 13 because I didn't have the other.
Let it cool to room temperature. When freezing seal with a tight top or aluminum foil. Once you are ready to cook it you can take it out of the freezer and thaw it in the refrigerator. Bake it at 350 for 20-25 mins. Now wouldn't you like to come home from work and pop this in the oven and be ready in 20mins with no work?! Here is what else you can cook and freeze: meatballs, shredded/diced chicken, meatloaf, stew meat, pizza dough, baked ziti(which I made last night for our neighbor who just had a baby), lasagna, plus many more!


  1. I seriously need to try this!! Thanks for posting!

  2. such a good idea! i did this before ethan was born and will do so again for baby #2. here's a tip: line your dish with foil, put the food inside, and cover the food with foil. after the food has frozen through, you can pop it out of your dish and then your glass isn't preoccupied the whole time. then when you cook that dish, you pull the foil off and drop the meal into your glass dish. make sense? you can fit a lot more in your freezer that way and all your dishes aren't taken up. here's my post about it from last year:

  3. Oh wow! Pasta, chicken and artichoke hearts, plus something I can use up all my bacon in. Yum!
