
Thursday, October 21, 2010

Fun With My Apron

I've been wanting to share this photo of my favorite apron for a while not. I am not sure if I have posted this or not so if I have, I'm really sorry. Lacey went to Europe last year and brought this back for me. It is perfect for cooking and I seriously use it at least 2-3 times per week. LOVE IT. Thanks Lacey. Yes, this photo was from the summer as I am wearing one of my sisters summery outfits.
I also wanted to share another recipe for freezer cooking. I went to the store and got a couple aluminum pans with lids on them. Since I was making my baked ziti for my neighbor, who just had a baby, a disposable container works the best.
Baked Ziti Ingredients-
(Keep in mind this recipe makes two 9x13 pans of pasta)
1 lb Mild/sweet sausage removed from casing
1 lb Lean ground beef
2 lbs Rigatoni or ziti
1 bag of mozzarella cheese
Ricotta cheese (optional)
2 jars of pasta sauce
-Combine meats in a frying pan and cook until brown. Drain the juices so its not too oily. While you are cooking your meat start boiling your water. Add sauce to the cooked meat and simmer until your pasta is ready. Mix together pasta and sauce mixture in your pans. Add a hand full of mozzarella cheese while mixing. Top with the rest of the cheese. If you are giving away you can deliver as is or freeze. De-thaw in the refrigerator and cook for 20-25mins at 350 degrees.  
I made ours that night and served with garlic bread and salad. Mmm mmm good. The neighbors loved it, too!


  1. OH I'm totally going to make this. I love ricotta cheese so how much of that would I put in?

    Thanks for sharing the recipe, that was so sweet to bring one to your neighbor!

  2. You look so cute in your apron!!! I'm glad you liked it! :)

    And oh my gosh, the baked ziti looks divine!! yummmm!

  3. when did you take that picture?? I need an apron
