
Friday, October 1, 2010

Weekend Plans!!

I am so very excited about this weekend! You can call me lame, a geek, whatever, but I am pumped! Tomorrow we are going to see Dave Ramsey at the Total Money Makeover Live Event!!! I bought my tickets in April (for a great price) and have been waiting!
I talked before about his book that I love, Total Money Makeover and we have been following his advice for a year now. We'll be debt free (credit cards, student loans, cars- everything, but the house) within 6 months! This weekend we are also celebrating more birthdays- tonight it's Bobs again (isn't he spoiled) and tomorrow we are celebrating Kerry's birthday! Happy 3-0 Kerry!!


  1. You guys are going to have a blast, can't wait to hear about everything you learn!

  2. Well I'm glad i read the blog today. You said we were going to drink beer and watch movies. What is going on here.

  3. I love that David is learning about y'alls plans because of the blog!! Have fun...we kind of do Dave more credit cards but we use our debits instead of cash!

  4. I am super jealous! "you need to live like no one else so then you can LIVE like no one else" :)
