
Thursday, November 11, 2010

Happy Veterans Day!

Since it is still Michelle week here on the blog, we (Michelle and I) would like to say:

Happy Veteran's day to all who have served- past, present, near, and far!

This is Michelle (with straight hair) with her husband James, who is in the Airforce.
 These pictures were taken after he got back from one of his recent deployments. I'd also like to give a shout-out to all the military wives out there. It's hard to be away from loved ones for so long so thanks for all you do as well (I know because I have to talk to her a million times a day when he's gone... just kidding, love ya shell!).


  1. ummmm the lack of comments is disappointing. GO MICHELLE WEEK AND YAY FOR FREEDOM!

  2. YEA FREEDOM! Thanks James and everyone that has or is serving and those left behind to take care of business at home!! :o)

  3. Thank You James and all those serving to keep us save! And a special shout out to my husband John who served in Vietnam.
