
Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Whole Wheat Pizza

 We decided to make some healthy pizza this weekend since we won't be having much bread this month. Start with my best crust ever recipe but substitute whole wheat flour.
 We were also borrowing Darrin and Staceys nice Nikon D50 camera so we took way too many photos to test things out. I won't bore you with all those, we'll stick to the main photos.
 I had a frozen fajita vegetable kit in the freezer so I microwaved those and added them with black olives to top our pizza.
 Since it was so nice out we decided to grill our pizzas. We put them on foil and cook it on the opposite side you are putting toppings on for about 5 mins. Bring your dough back inside, flip it and put your toppings on and back to the grill they go.
 Cook them for another 5 mins on the grill.
 It came out so yummy and we had a ton extra so I brought it into work for the girls to eat since I can't eat this stuff until month 2.
We decided to sit in the dining room at way opposite ends since we never enjoy that space. 
Here is Davids artistic wine shot, since these will be our last drinks for a few months. I know I haven't posted about the green way trail walking we did on Saturday with Molly, but I had them on my other computer so I will post them later this week.


  1. Thank you again for bringing the pizza in. I know you couldn't enjoy it, but Lacey and I sure did. YUM!

  2. Did you really sit on wayyyy opposite ends of the table :)

  3. Yum...will have to try that out, or will have to have Marla try that I should say ;)

  4. Looks delish - good luck with that diet, sounds way to hard.

  5. Visiting from Eat at Home. I make homemade whole wheat pizza all the time - but never on the grill. Hmmmm. Something new to try!

  6. I've wanted to try grilling pizza, but haven't done it yet. These look really good.
