
Friday, April 15, 2011

David's Camping Trip

David hasn't had a lot of face time on the blog lately so I wanted to post about his past weekend. David and a bunch of his guy friends went camping in North Georgia, very close to Tennessee border. This was yet another weekend full of David's birthday celebrations.
They went to Warwoman park and they had a beautiful creek where they set up camp.
This was the closest to a group shot you'll see. I told David to make sure he's taking pictures and to him that means of everything, but people. So you can't tell, but he went with his friends Matt, Jimmy, David and Josh.
This is David's freestanding jungle cot that he made while he was there. It's made from old tent poles and camping chairs that were donated by his friends over years of camping. Everything in the pic was salvaged from old and broken camping gear. I told you he was handy!
Good times were had hanging out by the campfire and enjoying the scenery.
They also did some fishing in the creek. There's his BFF David.
So glad they are able to get together and hang out doing what they love (and that they don't make me go with them). Sorry about the random people shots, this is what you get when you don't take posed pics David :) Love you.

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