
Friday, April 22, 2011

Easter Egg Hunt at Work!!

I know you already know that I work at an awesome place, but just in case you didn't here's another example of why its eggcellent. Our boss, Donna, came in early and hid Easter eggs around the office for us.
 A lot of people are out starting their holiday early so it was just Lacey, me and Christina here today to hunt. Donna was a great hider. She hid things in the best spots and it really was a fun challenge! I ended up with the most Easter eggs, but little did I know that I should have been looking for quality eggs and not the most quantity.
 She must have hid 50-60 eggs. Donna definitely gets an A+++ for effort.
They were all filled with either jelly beans, ring bubbles, chocolate, money or papers with special time off info. This is what Lacey's stash looked like.
I am already starting to eat all my jelly beans and chocolate (there were Reese's peanut butter mini eggs).
 Lacey organized her pile really neat and is the expert egg finder (her family has egg hunts every year still).
Christina got lucky and found all the eggs with the money and time off. It's ok, because shes preggo and we'll let it slide. I hope everyone has a great Easter weekend! I think you should hide eggs for the people around you this weekend, it'll brighten their day.


  1. looks so fun! I want to find eggs!

  2. I really need a job with your company! You have the best boss!
