
Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Easter Family Photos Galore!

There is never a lack of picture taking on Davids side of the family. Gina and Stacey are always out there with their cameras documenting the parties. I get the benefits of it to use the photos on the blog! Thanks to Gina for the photos that I stole from your facebook page!
 All the kids were ready for the Easter egg hunt and Ian couldn't wait to open his Easter basket that Grandma had brought. The older kids had out grown the actual egg hunt so they were in charge of hiding the eggs, which would be a good thing, but they hid them where it was too hard to find, in neighbors yards, too high up, etc... I wonder where they get that from (their uncles).
  The guys played bocci balls
While David was helping Jake with homework, or was he helping at all? I don't see Jake in this photo.
Ashley and Daniel
 Me and David
The girls (yes we always take a photo with all of us at every party). We'll have to do a photo montage one day with these photos at all the parties throughout the year.
 The guys. I loved Gina's gigantic umbrella for her gorgeous outside deck and tables.
It was a great Easter celebration with nice weather, great food and family. If only my family were closer to have more gatherings with. hint hint. Time to move closer to us every one!

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