
Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Garden Planted!

I was such a busy bee on saturday when David was camping. I wrote myself a long list and got most everything accomplished. Since we had the last frost last week the gardening places were PACKED out. I couldn't find a parking spot even close to the entrance. So, its official, the garden for 2011 was planted on Saturday April 9, 2011!
This year I wanted to get some hard to grow from seed plants for the garden. On the list were tomatoes, peppers and onions. Since I went to a local nursery I did have a hard time finding a few things. I had to go to Home Depot for Roma tomatoes and onions. I think I spent about $30 on veggie plants and a few more tomato cages (not pictured).
The spots where you don't see plants are the seeds. I used my seeds from last year that I kept in a nice air tight bag in the refrigerator. Let's hope they are still good, if nothing sprouts in a few weeks I'll plant some new ones. To see the official garden plant click here.
I am so glad I live in the South where I can already start planting. I should have abundant growth by June, cross your fingers! David has also installed a sprinkler watering system that I'll show you later, which is working great!
My knock out roses were also very pretty so I took a photo for you. Happy Spring!


  1. How exciting! Can't wait to see how much your garden grows this summer!

  2. YEAHHH great job Jen, can't wait to see what you grow this year!
