
Monday, April 4, 2011

Happy Birthday David!

Today David turns the big 30! The whole month of April we are celebrating. We seem to have something going on each weekend that we say is in celebration of David's birthday. On Friday we started with drinks with his friend Matt and he opened the gifts that I got for him.
I got him tickets to a beer making class for two at Hop City Beer & Wine (I got it on groupon a few weeks ago)! He has been mentioning it a lot that he'd love to make his own beer so when I saw this come through I knew he'd love it. We just have to make reservations and go!
I got a high 5 on that one!
Molly had to help with the next one as you can see. 
I made him a photo book of his trip to Dubai. He went for work 3.5 years ago and stayed there for 3 months and never did anything with his photos. Dubai comes up at least once a week in conversation still so I knew he'd like it if I made this. This wasn't an easy task because I really didn't know what half the photos were and there were over 400 pics. I did my best and he loved the way it came out. HAPPY BIRTHDAY to the most wonderful husband ever, even if you are an old man now. Just kidding, I'm just glad I have a few more years to get there.


  1. such sweet gifts! I went to Noche the other night after seeing it on your blog - it was GREAT, thanks for the recommendation!

  2. Happy Birthday, David! Can't wait to read about the beer-making class!

  3. Happy Birthday David!! Hope you have a great day!

  4. Jen those are AWESOME gifts! Glad you got the book done! Happy 30th Birthday David!!

  5. Wonderful gifts for your still young husband! Happy Birthday to David!

  6. Happy B'day David! 30 is very very young - I should know.
