
Friday, April 29, 2011

How Cute Are They!?!

I didn't think I was going to be this excited about the Royal Wedding. My sister and I got up at 4:45am to start watching the wedding. We texted commentary and thoughts throughout the morning. Kate was absolutely beautiful and I loved watching all the events.
 My favorite part was when they were at Buckingham palace for their first kiss and Kate walked out on the balcony and saw the HUGE crowd of people there for them and you could see her mouth "Oh, WOW". The kiss was a bit awkward and short but I'm glad they did it again. Her dress was gorgeous and I loved her hair and makeup.
Beautiful!! I hope you guys taped it or watched it live this morning!


  1. Wow...How did you do it. We are still
    watching the follow-ups on TV. Our world needed a bit of "good cheer" To- day. We are Part English, so we doubley enjoyed the Wedding,the Hats,and tours, with our English breakfast tea =)

  2. I enjoyed everything about it and I can't wait to re-watch some things!
