
Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Steeplechase 2011!

Steeplechase 2011 was a success, weather and all! Last year we had rain and storms and this year it was kind of sunny and clear, but with lots of wind. We were so thankful to have the tent walls up as it kept our tent nice and warm. Thanks to David and Matt for setting everything up in a speedy fashion so we could keep warm in the truck!
 I set up the table at home to see if I had enough supplies to decorate the table nice. We were a little rushed in setting up the table once we got there and it was so windy that my before pictures at home came out a lot better. Thanks to Stacey for the black table cloth, table, plastic glassware, extra dishes, pop up tent and chairs. My mom had made me these damask table squares for another event and I haven't used it so this was perfect, thanks Mom! Thanks to David's mom for the beverage container. Thanks to Gina and Mark for the other chairs. It's nice to have a huge family so you can borrow lots of things.
 I thought it would be fun to put a white wine sangria drink in the beverage container as the centerpiece. I will post this recipe later, it was really tasty. We had some yummy food provided by everyone who came: chicken salad sandwiches, ham sandwiches, fruit salad, cheese and crackers, brownies, banana pudding and cupcakes.
 The fun part of the whole day is just dressing up in your sun dresses and cute big hats. Lacey and I were twins in our hot pink dresses and white hats.
 Me and Kerry
 Andrea and Lacey
 Matt and Kerry
David and me. I even put one of my fabric flowers on my dress. I love them.
 Here is our group that we fit in Davids truck. No one had been before except for David and I so it was fun to see their reactions. My hat was still in the car, I apologize for not keeping it on for every photo.
All the girls. Gina met us up there with Mark and the kids so we had to get more photos of course!
 This picture speaks for itself. So glad they could come and hang with us again (they came last year, too)!
 This is looking out the back side of our tailgate spot area. You can see all the cars and tents set up along the finish line.
There was bagpipe entertainment...
 And of course the main event were the horse races. Gina got much better pics than me so these are her photos.
I love the way the sky looks in this photo. Thanks again to everyone who came and made this such a fun day! If you've never been, it really is something you need to do at least 1 year.


  1. I had so much fun!!!! Thank you for inviting me! Your table decorations & food were amazing! I love the horse pictures Gina got!

  2. How fun! Your flowers look great with your outfit!

  3. ya you're welcome for MY dress that you kept referring to as "my" dress....... about that, and my tank top and whatever else you have that I don't know about :)

    ps TONS of fun!

  4. You all looked so fabulous! Looks like a good time was had by all. Table turned out nice!

  5. So glad that the weather was perfect for you guys! Love the dresses and decorations!
