
Thursday, May 12, 2011

More Friends & a Vacation Decision!

Last night I had Erin over for dinner. Erin is a good friend and regular blog reader, HI ERIN!! I haven't seen her in a few months and I learned that she was working at the high school right down the road from my house. She is a sign language interpreter for a HS student. I had a lot of fun just catching up and eating dinner. I made Chicken Alfredo Pasta Bake that she loved and even took some home. She was talking to me about upcoming trips and she was wondering if we had decided on the big trip we polled everyone on. Well, we have decided and some planning is under way. We decided to go to.... Drum roll please............... 

We won't be going until beginning of November due to David's work schedule, but the money saving is under way. I hope to book the trip by the end of June so I will be keeping you posted on the itinerary. We got some brown packing paper from home depot that we're going to line the craft room with and lay out maps, pictures of things we want to see, hotels etc. I am a huge planner so this is going to be fun for me. Any recommendations are welcome!


  1. How fun! You are going to have a wonderful time!!!!

  2. Capri is one of my favorite places in the whole world - it's just beautiful... the Tivoli Gardens are also AMAZING... you should also see if you can go to a glass blowing place when you go to Venice, it's unreal.

  3. Assisi! One of the most beautiful cities in Italy! I went there in High School, and if you can visit the Saint Francis of Assisi cathedral, do so. There's a staircase alongside of the church that overlooks all of Assisi and it just! It's such a cute quiet little town. Rolling hills, little homes, quaint little shops - perfection!

    Venice is great for museums. You can see Michelangelo's statue of David there.
    There's SO much to see in Rome itself. And of course you have to go in Saint Peter's basilica...truly beautiful.

    *Sigh* I want to go back! :)

  4. Woot, congrats on deciding on the vacation spot!

  5. ITALY Sounds like a fun time...=)
