
Thursday, May 19, 2011

Tomatoes Everywhere- Garden Update

Things are progressing very nicely in the garden so far. The watering system is performing quite well and in turn our plants are flourishing.
The strawberry plant I got is creating long vines which I hope are a good thing. Please note that our weed mat wasn't as tight around the edges so we had grass starting to poke out. You'll be happy to know I have pulled most the straggly grass out, it bothers me a lot.
The most exciting thing to me this year are the tomatoes. I tried them from seed last year and didn't get but a few green tomatoes. This time I went with transplants and they are growing like crazy. This is a picture of the Roma tomatoes. There are tomato buds everywhere!
I am really excited about them and hope they keep growing.
The other tomato plants are progressing just as nice.
Some other notes- for some reason my basil seeds are no good, none of my plants sprouted. Last year I had MEGA basil so there must be something wrong with the seeds. I went ahead and bought some basil plants this past weekend because I am really looking forward to making pesto this summer. How is your garden growing?


  1. well I don't have a garden of my own per say..... but if you were to plant one for me, then it would be going great! good job :)

  2. Wow you'll be able to make lots of your grandmas secret sauce with those!

  3. I have tomatoes the same size as yours, both in my garden and in the topsy planters! So fun, huh? I will have to post my garden pics soon so you can see! Love, G
