
Thursday, June 2, 2011

Memorial Weekend Fun & P90X Update

 This memorial weekend the family decided to celebrate by going to the pool. We cooked some pizza and headed on over.
 Ian was all set and ready to go with his dive gear on.
 David's parents were hard at work getting fresh watermelon ready.
We also celebrated Annslee's birthday.
Fun was had by all and of course I brought some frozen margarita's in thermos type containers to the pool. I found a bubba mug that holds almost TWO pitchers of margaritas. That's nuts.
 I got a new swim suit from Macy's that I love. The straps can do a variety of things. You can make it strapless like shown above or they can go halter or regular bra style. 
P90X Update- WE ARE FINISHED with the program. Towards the end we would work out around 3 times a week instead of the 6, but still completed most all the scheduled work outs. I really love some of the workouts especially cardio X and ab ripper so I will pick and choose the ones I want to continue. I want to find something that's a little less time consuming though, 1 hour-1.5 hours a day is a bit much for me. Check out our summer beach bodies above. David wants to flex his muscles for the camera so I'll post that picture next week sometime. He lost a total of 20-25 pounds in the 4 months we've been doing it! We still need to get his body into the sun more as he is a similar shade to Casper the ghost.
All the girls are doing some sort of working out and are sporting their bikini's well.
 Darrin and Stacey are also on P90X and still love the program.
 Here is a better shot of Davids beach body (I keep saying that word b/c that's what Tony from P90X always says.) I really enjoyed the nutrition part of P90X. I loved learning what "good" foods are and how much protein matters. I think we will still continue to eat similarly as its working for us. Maybe I'll do a post on foods soon.


  1. Love the fact that you all share your
    health info. when you are together.

  2. Those were some great pics of the new bodies. Everyone looks terrfic! Very inspiring, you will have to get me started when you get here.
