
Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Sunday's Super Sauce Day

 On Sunday I showed Michelle how to make Grandma's sauce. Since she was unable to come last year to the canning and learning session. Michelle is going to take all of my jars that we have canned and transport them back to TX with them to use. We will can more in July so I can replenish my stash. We have come up with our annual name for our canning event. I don't want to reveal the whole thing yet, but here is a sneak preview- Sauceapalooza. Shell got comfortable on a chair to watch the cooking show.
 I normally make enough for 4 people but we were having David's parents over so I used 2 pans to fit it all.
 David and I also wanted to try out the new kitchenaid mixer attachment that I bought that is a strainer and grinder so we can can our own tomatoes without grandma's machine. You can also use it for other fruits and veggies.
 It had the same components that you would need so it worked pretty well.
 We just got enough tomatoes to make 1 jar (we figured 7 tomatoes per jar).
 Shell even got in on the action.
 It was a lot of work for 1 jar, but will be worth it when we are doing a bunch at a time.
 Making sauce is such tough work.
I totally forgot to take a picture of our food since we devoured it, but this was what was left in Shell's bowl (she was the slowest).
I learned that I need to make the sauce the day before because it takes a while to thicken, especially with the bigger quantity. David's parents brought a delicious cake and fresh blueberries for dessert. 


  1. Ooooh your kitchen cabinets have shelves that slide out? Lucky! Don't change that feature when you remodel.

    Shell- you'll be put to work on Saturday so I hope you enjoyed observing while you could!

  2. How cool! Looks like you had fun making your sauce! And I love your Italy apron :)

  3. What a great time we had. The sauce was out of this world! Tou are such a great cook!!!

  4. Hmm, for some reason I completely missed this post. Yummy sauce!
