
Monday, July 25, 2011

Weekend Roundup and Tile Grout

We had a great weekend eating out with friends, cleaning the house, hanging with Davids parents and doing work around the house.
David has finished the grout for the back splash and it looks magnificent! I am so happy with how it turned out.
I picked the socket covers in a nice stainless steel color and I think it came together nicely.
The grout really ties in the counters and the back splash. I am loving the new kitchen. All that is left is to put in some recessed lighting and take out that ginormous rectangle light that I can't stand.
Once we started cleaning up the dust and dirt from the kitchen we decided to take apart the couch and clean the dog hair from every nook and cranny.
It was worth all the effort. We also FINALLY got the glass for the shower in and it looks great! I took a picture with my phone, but it doesn't do it justice so I'll take one this week and show you. I also purchased something really exciting this weekend!!! 
I am the proud new owner of a 13" MacBook Pro! I am loving it so far although I am just trying to figure out how to use it. I have used webcam, found email, internet and all that, but transfering files is more difficult than I thought. I also purchased their one-to-one training program they have. I paid $99 for a year worth of personal one on one training at their stores and they have online video tutorials that I've been watching. I am very excited and can't wait to learn to use it more! Hope everyone else had a great weekend.


  1. great job! I can't believe you got into the cleaning, well actually David... I'm sure the house is immaculate.

  2. yay! Welcome to Mac life... it's wonderful. I've had my mac for 6 years now and no problems with it ever (other than it now is "too old" to download the latest version of itunes) House looks great!

  3. I love the back splash and counter tops! They really look great together!

  4. We had a great time Sunday. I love what you have done with the house... everything just sparkles =)

  5. What a weekend! The kitchen looks wonderful. I'm still jealous! But I can keep up with you a little - I cleaned too!
