
Monday, August 22, 2011

Long Weekend Fun

Helloooo Monday. I am not glad you are here. We had a very nice long weekend, just wasn't long enough. Happy first day of school with kids for my sister!
 On Wednesday night I made some things to bring up to the cabin. This was the first time I really cooked in 2 months. I had motivation and it was good once I got going. I made some baked ziti (1 alfredo and 1 regular for later).
 I also made these amazing cookies that Leah shared on her blog last week. A def. must make, they were gone within minutes.
 The wedding was very beautiful filled with pretty flowers that Stacey and I put together out of hydrangeas. I took zero photos as I was busy doing other things. I stole a few pics from fb to show you.
The beautiful bride and handsome groom.
There was a small vineyard outside (in the background) that made for some pretty photos. Congrats to the happy couple. I was so exhausted even though I barely helped clean up that on the way home from the cabin I threw up in the car (good thing David had a bag) so if you're wondering if the sickness is gone, that's a big negative. We also went to a birthday party in buckhead on Saturday night, but in between all that David was taking his class both days and I was napping with Molly.


  1. Eugh so sorry that you are still feeling so yucky. I'm so glad you felt good enough to start cooking again though, aren't those cookies AMAZING... yummm.

  2. That food looks delicious! Glad the wedding weekend went well! Such a pretty couple! And I hope you start to feel better soon!

  3. Congratulations to the beautiful couple! Start thinking positively about feeling better - mind over matter!

  4. Jen, You and David worked so hard to make their wedding day wonderful. Hope you are feeling better soon. Cookies yum ;)

  5. beautiful photos!! and the pasta looks really good along with the cookies
