
Thursday, September 22, 2011

19 Week Pregnancy Survey

How Far Along: 19 weeks

Size of baby: Your baby's sensory development is exploding! Her brain is designating specialized areas for smell, taste, hearing, vision, and touch. Some research suggests that she may be able to hear your voice now, so don't be shy about reading aloud, talking to her, or singing a happy tune if the mood strikes you.
Your baby weighs about 8 1/2 ounces and measures 6 inches, head to bottom — about the size of a large heirloom tomato.
I had to post this picture. Look at what baby is doing in there!
Total Weight Gain: Still 5ish lbs so far.I promise I am eating, I do wish I had a catered buffet every where I went so I could graze throughout the day.

What I miss: A nice cold cut sandwich with all the fixings.

Sleep: I am mastering the sleeping on my sides. Pillows are your friend.

Symptoms: Feeling pretty good all around.

Cravings: Salad buffets and pizza

Aversions: Still not eating much chicken

Movement: I am still feeling some little popcorn flickers that may or may not be BW in there moving around.

Maternity Clothes: This may need to happen sooner than later. My belly def. decided to sprout this week. Of course on the day that I am trying on clothes to go on a work trip for. I literally went to at least 10 diff. stores and bought 2 things total. My belly is more noticeable in regular clothes (see picture below). I am rotating like 2-3 pairs of pants and no jeans are going on this body until I get maternity ones (which I'm not sure if I can keep them up yet).

Best Moments this week: Hearing BW on Ashley's heart monitor. That was really fun for both David and me.

What I'm looking forward to: Our Doctor appointment next friday for the big gender reveal!! Make sure you vote, only 8 more days! I still have a bunch to do for this gender reveal party, but it's going to be fun. Can't wait to share more details next week.

Notes: I am heading to Chicago and Louisville, KY for a work trip this weekend and I hope to see and eat lots of fun things! Any recommendations?

Sorry about the faucet, I should really crop that out.


  1. Your baby bump is so cute! I can't wait to hear if BW is a boy or girl!

  2. You should put that shirt on we made for you b/c you def have a bump now!

  3. Definite bump for sure!! So fun!

  4. You Look great. Love the info.
    Have a safe trip. Be sure to try a
    slice o Chicago Pizza =) Have a great trip...
