
Monday, October 31, 2011

Pumpkin Rice Crispy Treats

Since it is Halloween I thought I'd post a festive, semi-easy recipe for you to make. David and I made it for my work Halloween contest for festive food.
Pumpkin Rice Crispy Treats from  Home Stories A to Z.
1 box Rice Krispie Cereal
1- 10 oz bag marshmellows
Red, Yellow and Green Food Coloring
Tootsie Rolls
Chocolate Cookies for Dirt
Follow the instructions on the box for regular rice krispy treats.
When your marshmallows are nice and melty add red and yellow purchased or homemade food coloring until you reach a pumpkin orange color.
 We were afraid of ours turning red so we left it this orange. When you make them go for a way brighter orange. Ours turned out a bit too pastel and didn't differ much from the regular rice crispy color.
 After you stir the cereal into the marshmallow mixture, rub some butter on the palms of your hands (we used spray Pam as well) and roll the mixture quickly into balls. I placed more butter on my hands between rolling each ball. Place a tootsie roll in the center of each pumpkin and garnish with frosting leaves. We mixed regular frosting with the green food coloring and used our leaves tip to make them.
 We placed our pumpkins on a bed of crushed chocolate cookies just for fun and presentation.
Happy Halloween!
Update from the costume front at work:
We went as the 3 Marketeers (get it, like 3 musketeers) since we all work in marketing.
  Unfortunately, we did not win the most creative contest (we got robbed if you ask me!). I also did not win 1st, 2nd or 3rd in the food competition (not happy about that!).


  1. so cute! love this, I hate that I was out of town this past weekend and didn't get to make any halloween goodies to bring into work!

  2. Your rice krispy pumpkins are adorable!!!! I think they should win in the work food contest! And I agree, we did get robbed for most creative!

  3. you got robbed for both, GREAT JOB!
