
Monday, November 7, 2011

Weekend Recap

We had a great weekend of hanging out with friends, family and baby shopping. We registered for Baby at BRU on Saturday morning. I went equipped with my 6 page document of research and a list of all baby needs. I'm going to do a little tips and research post for you so I can share some of what I learned from books/online research.

David was great at trying the baby items out and making sure they'd be easy enough for me to use. We had a great time and spent about 3 hours there, and I still need to research more and tweak it online. We also picked up our dresser that came in.
I love it, we put it in the room and are just waiting for the extra pieces of the crib to come in to set it up. We had family photos done at a local park on saturday afternoon. It was very pretty out, but turned super cold as the sun went down. It was nice to get together and we all had dinner at Darrin and Stacey's after. On Sunday we cleaned up the house and went to look at some gliders/upholstered chairs for baby. We didn't find exactly what we're looking for so no purchases were made. We had a fun weekend and probably ate out way too much, but it was great seeing everyone and nice to not be bound to David's study schedule.


  1. Glad you had fun registering at BRU! I love that dresser!!

  2. So fun! Glad y'all had a successful registering trip! I love the dresser too, so pretty!
