
Monday, December 5, 2011

Weekend Recap & Holly Jolly Christmas Time!

We had a busy, but nice weekend. I was still getting over being sick and David was trying not to get sick, but some of it did pass on to him unfortunately. Our ultrasound appointment went really well Friday. Max is a growing boy, weighing in at approx. 3lbs! We had our childbirth class saturday, which was good, nothing too exciting though. After that we put up decorations most the time. Here is some of our hard work in action.
My lime green and red tree. It needs a little more pizzazz, but man that tree skirt is looking good! lol

The stockings are hung by the chimney with care...
We converted to LED for the outside icicle lights and they are bright, but I love them. David did a great job hanging them!


  1. so cute! love all the holiday decor and your tree skirt looks great! where did you guys do your childbirth class?

  2. FANTASTIC!!! love the christmas
    decor, so neat, outside and inside.
    The skirt looks so good. David and Jen out did themselves this year =0

  3. Love the tree skirt! It looks great with your tree!
