
Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Max's Christmas Georgia Baby Shower

To start out the holiday vacation I had my GA baby shower on Friday the 23rd. We had the shower at Stacey's, who head up the hosting, with all the lovely women on Davids side of the family. We weren't sure what the turn out would be being so close to the holidays but we ended up having around 25-28 people there.  We have pictures of most everyone, but still are missing a few. Thanks to Gina and my sister for taking photos. 
The decor was a mix between Christmas and Max's room colors. Isn't her tree magnificent (you prob. saw it in yesterdays photos as we had the Christmas celebration at Stacey's house, too).
The food was delicious and I loved all the small details they had. 
 Look at those cute onesies and bibs.
We had the boys gather and then they all went to wild wings for some food and beverage before heading back to help us load up the cars.
I had a great time catching up with family and friends. Let's document some of the guests. This is Cora and Franks long time friend Rita and I just adore her, she is the sweetest and has a large family as well.
Mary and Ashley
 Patsy (Stacey's mom), Kathleen and Annslee
My neighbors Lovey and Jordan
Carrie, Reagan, Dana and David
Brooke and Madeline
Michelle and Amber
Mom, Chris, Me holding Madeline (she was just so friendly to everyone all night) and Marla
Before the gifts we played a little game. David came over earlier and they asked him some questions and videotaped his responses. I had to see if our answers were similar to some parenting techniques and baby statistics. I'd say we were pretty right on, there were a few things that we have to discuss still...
I was so touched and appreciative of everything Max received that I wanted to show you a bunch. I am prob. going to show you a lot more than you want to see, but I just loved everything and if I forgot your gift on here, I am sorry and I really did love it! Everyone was so thoughtful and it just blew me away. I was literally opening presents for an hour. You can tell by some of these photos that I got hot and exhausted lol. My brother picked out some toys and this glow worm. I remember this as a kid and it is awesome!
I love all the personalized gifts from people who made Max blankets, hats and all sorts of things. So talented.
Leah even made me burp cloths and a taggie blanket. Her and Lacey were home for the holiday so I brought their gifts so they were still "there" with us.
Lacey found this awesome Max doll from the book Where the Wild Things Are that fits in great with the accents we are putting in his room.
You can see the pack-n-play and activity bouncer in the background and this awesome 3-in-1 high chair that I can't wait to use.
 Our stroller combo pack from Davids parents which we have been strollering around the house since.
 My sister had another great idea of getting a bunch of books that had Max's name in it. They are on display in the nursery and I just love them!
 Bottle starter set
 Musical car mirror to see baby with
Moby wrap
What a great surprise to receive this awesome coach diaper bag from Stacey, Ashley and Patsy. They know me so well and I just love everything about it.
Boppy, don't mind my gigantic hand. I love the pattern and colors.
 Bath and kitchen goodies with the frog toy scooper upper. Erin's friend also made this awesome owl soap holder that I can't find a picture of, but trust me when I say it's awesome :)
All the little baby clothes are just so cute.
Thank you so much to everyone who came and to Cora, Ashley, Stacey, Mary and Gina for hosting, helping me with gifts, cooking and slaving away all day to make my shower so special!!


  1. so fun! love the idea of getting books with Max's name, so special! :)

  2. What a fun shower! I love the idea of the Max cute!

  3. Such a beautiful shower!! I love all of the decorations and food! You got a lot of great gifts and pictures of the night! Wish I could've been there to help you celebrate Baby Max! We'll make up for it at the work shower! :)

  4. What an awesome shower, Jen! I love all the details and Max really did get hooked up! Thank you for sharing all the pictures, I felt like I was there... wish I really could have been there!

    p.s. LOVE the idea of displaying books with his name on them! too cute!
