
Thursday, February 9, 2012

Pregnancy Survey-39 Weeks- Last One!

Tomorrow is the big day. It will be Max's birthday! We are excited to meet our little boy. Today, we're having a girls day getting pedicures and running a few errands. I'll have my sister update the blog at some point this weekend to let everyone know how we're doing and share photos. Get your votes in for Max's weight! I did post yesterday, but blogger hasn't updated on blog rolls for some reason so if you want to see a look back these past 9 months, head on over to the blog. 

How Far Along: 39 weeks 

Size of baby: Your baby's waiting to greet the world! He continues to build a layer of fat to help control his body temperature after birth, but it's likely he already measures about 20 inches and weighs a bit over 7 pounds, a mini watermelon. (Boys tend to be slightly heavier than girls.) The outer layers of his skin are sloughing off as new skin forms underneath.
Total Weight Gain: Final tally is right at 30 lbs 

Sleep: Waking up about every 2 hours to pee. I'm getting good practice at that.

Symptoms: Sore upper back after sitting for a while.

Cravings: nothing crazy, still loving cereal and desserts. Speaking of desserts, we stopped at Sonic on the way from the airport last night because I wanted a Peanut butter cup blast. David got butterfingers and as I was eating mine I kept saying, "I think some of your butterfingers got in my PB." David said, "that's odd, they mix them separately in the cups." I said, "hmm ok." So we keep eating. I then say again, "man I really think they mixed it or something is up with mine."  We're only 2 mins away at this point and David is driving and it's dark. He finally has a realization and says, "oh no I think I'm eating your peanut butter one." I said, "really how did you not notice." He said, "I don't know, but i've eaten the whole thing already!" I seriously only had like 3 bites to his whole thing devoured. People that know me, do know that I eat slow, but come on the whole thing without even noticing what you're eating! We were too far to go back for another, but did realize when we got home that they put the toppings from the PB one on the butterfinger one and vice versa so half not Davids fault. As you can see I'm still traumatized by this, but I just love PB. 

Gender- Max David 

Movement: He's still moving a good bit, I really don't think he knows what's coming on Friday. Poor little guy is going to be yanked out to greet the world.

Maternity Clothes: Same

Best Moments this week: Having David home more and getting ready for my mom to come.

What I'm looking forward to: This one is easy this week... To meet our little baby boy! I can't believe the time is almost here. Hard to believe.

Milestones: House is cleaned, freezer meals are made and we are ready to go! We have scheduled our newborn shoot for when my sister is in town, so i'm very thankful for the help during that time. I'll post final photos later today when i'm not in pj's.


  1. Jen I'm SO excited for you! Enjoy your girls day and rest up for tomorrow! And husband scarfs down his food too, so David is not alone!

  2. so excited for you! have a great girls day and happy early birthday to max!!! :)

  3. hahaha your sonic story makes me laugh!! :) Have a fun girls day and get some rest before the big day tomorrow! I CAN'T wait to meet baby Max!

  4. I am bursting with excited for you!! You get to meet your little boy xoxo! I'll be on standby for pictures, good luck!

  5. I am so excited for you and David! I can't wait to see pictures of Max. I'll be stalking your blog and FB for pictures! :)

  6. Yea! Have David/Mom email me pics and I will post them on my Blog right away tomorrow and people can see that in your Blogroll. Woot, almost Max time!

  7. I already have tears of happy excitement. Can't WAIT to see what the little man looks like. Seems like not long ago we were playing "house" and now it is for real!

  8. I'm so excited! I can't wait to meet him. Good luck tomorrow!

  9. So happy for you that your day is finally here! Looking forward to updates and pictures tomorrow!! :)

  10. More pictures please. Love from Grandpa and Great Gma. Gma can't stop happy crying. Happy Bithday Max and Happy Mother's Day Jen. Happy Father's Day David.
