
Thursday, February 16, 2012

We're Surviving!

Hi Everyone!

We are still trying to survive our first week home with our sweet little Max. He is just so cute and handsome and we can't get enough of him. The feeding every 3 hours is very tiresome, but I wouldn't have it any other way. As we are still getting used to everything I'll prob. stay away for a few more days. I loved having my mom here helping for the first of his days home. Can't wait for her to come back in a few weeks. My sister is coming in tonight to stay for the long weekend and she is just going to love her new nephew. I can't wait for her to come and help. It's been so nice to be able to rest up and just focus on nursing this past week.  Just an FYI- nursing is as hard as people say it is and I can't wait till he gains his birth weight back so we can stretch it out a bit. All I have to say is that Lanolin is a lifesaver. I am also healing pretty well and able to move around and go up and down the stairs pretty easily. I am glad for the pain meds, but can def. see how fast I am recovering and I am very thankful for that. Thank you also to Davids family for coming to the hospital and dropping off meals for us at home. We appreciate it so much!

I will leave you with some sweet photos of Max from the past week. I can't believe today was my due date and he has already been here for a week. I also still can't believe my water broke (birth story coming next week).


  1. He is just the cutest! Can't wait to see him in person.

  2. ooo he is precious!! YES nursing is by far the hardest part. Makes you realize why so many women give up and go to formula. Dont give up though...its gets much easier. At 3 months now its second nature to me and no big deal!! TRUST it all gets easier. Keep loving on that sweet boy. xoxo

  3. SO sweet!! I love all of the adorable photos! I hope you have a fun weekend with your sister there!

  4. Max is precious Jen! I love the sweet photos!

  5. awww what a cutie! Congratulations! :) I love all these pictures! Cant wait to read more!

  6. he is so stinking cute! congrats again and I can't wait to hear more about him [and see more pictures!]

  7. YEAH!! I've been dying for an update! I'm so glad that nursing is going well for you. Every 3 hours is brutal at first but it gets better and he'll eat faster eventually don't worry! I'm so glad you are healing quickly too.

    And I was totally expecting a ton more hair! It even looks blonde-ish! He's totally adorable, I can't wait to meet Max!

  8. Love that new grandbaby!! The last pics looks like he is singing. And I can tell you he has been gifted with quite a voice! Mima loves Max!!

  9. He is so adorable! Can't wait till I can get to meet him in person!! :)
