
Friday, April 27, 2012

One of the Best Homemade Lasagna Recipes Ever!

It's friday and time for another installment of fabulous food friday! When I see a recipe that says best recipe ever I am willing to give it a try. I recently made a homemade lasagna that I found from Family Ever After via Oopsey Daisy. It lived up to the hype, I really loved it.

Ragu Sauce-
Olive Oil
1 onion
2 carrots
2 celery stalks
2 garlic cloves
1 lb. ground sausage
1 14oz can tomato sauce, or a handful of fresh tomatoes
1 can vegetable broth
Bechamel Sauce-
2 TB butter
1/3 cup flour
2 cups milk
1 cup cream
salt and pepper
 pinch of nutmeg
pasta sheets (I recommend Barilla no boil)
mozzarella cheese
parmesan cheese

 To make the Ragu-
1.Wash and chop onion, carrots, celery, and garlic.
2. Heat butter and oil in pot. Saute vegetables briefly (I forgot celery so I left it out).
3. Add sausage. Saute.
4. Add tomato sauce, stock, salt and pepper.
5. Simmer on low for 1 hour.
To make the Bechamel (a white sauce)-
1. Melt butter. Add flour, stirring with a whisk, appx 1 minute.
2. Slowly add milk, then cream, stirring constantly.
3. Simmer on low until thickened, 5-10 minutes.
4. Season with s&p and nutmeg.

1. Preheat oven to 375.
2. In a 9x13 baking dish, spread a teeny tiny layer of the bechamel, preventing the pasta from sticking to the bottom.
3. The layers will be in this order- pasta, ragu, bechamel, mozzarella. Repeat 3 times.
4. Top with parmesan and a few pats of butter. (you don't have to do the butter, but its amazing)!
5. Bake for 40 minutes.
It really was as amazing as it looked. I am really bad at taking pictures of it nice and plated because I eat it so fast. It was fantastic. Have a great weekend!


  1. Looks good, not sure I'd like the white sauce? Now I'm hungry for lunch!

  2. This looks amazing... definitely need to try it thanks for sharing!

  3. Now that is some yummy Italian, cheesy goodness! Will have to give it a try...thanks for sharing!
