
Monday, April 2, 2012

U.S. Vacation

Marvelous Monday in April to you. Michelle still here. So James is at a training in Alabama for a couple months (what else is new) and we wanted to take a vacation when he gets home and before we move.... I thought, why not get the opinions of Jen's fellow readers. We most likely will be driving to Atlanta to have my sister watch our animals and possibly incorporating a trip to our new home in MS, too. We originally thought of going to Italy or back to Hawaii (oh yeah forgot to mention, it's going to be our 5 year wedding anniversary in July). WHAAAT 5 years!! Where did the time go?! For those of you that don't know, we got married on the famous 7-7-7.  After much consideration, we decided against Italy and most likely Hawaii. I am really not into spending so long on a flight. I really get antsy, I'm not a good sit stiller and bore EASILY! Then we have been thinking about what U.S. vacations we could go on. We don't mind driving if it's around where we will be (Atlanta area) but are into most likely flying from there. A couple places we've been throwing around, Key West, Vegas, one of the U.S. Virgin Islands?, or possibly California (we've got several friends there ALL spread out, so it'd be a lot to get all our locations in). I want a vacation that's a MIX of relaxing and things to do. Hawaii was perfect for us when we went on our honeymoon. We could go to the beach/pool, but there were also a TON of sight seeing/activities. I don't like to just sit and beach the whole time (again-the boredom thing).

Would love to hear your suggestions! Vacation would most likely be sometime in June. 


  1. Come to Colorado! I know some excellent tour guides and James can see his family in Littleton.

  2. My vote would be outer banks, NC, California, Belize or some fun island. Jen is also selling CO very well, do you remember that fun list of places they want to see and do.

  3. Yeah go for Colorado or Vegas...Vegas is fun but LOTS of walking!! And I mean LOTS...... U can also see the Grand Canyon while there like we did :)

  4. We did think about Colorado actually..... but then we wouldn't drive to Atlanta, and would just drive with dog there.... also an option..... IDK!! so many choices! (this is michelle)
