
Monday, May 14, 2012

The Next Chapter

I bet some of you are wondering why I haven't posted about returning back to work. I fully intended to return the beginning of May right after my mom had moved down to take care of Max. Well, I received a phone call from my boss letting me know that my position had been terminated and they were trying to focus on other departments and had to cut costs (meaning me). I was definitely caught off guard to say the least. I had been with the company 5 years and just feel betrayed at the whole event.  I thought I was protected by FMLA, but turns out there is ways around it. I won't get in to all that, but I did consult a lawyer. If this is how they are going to treat someone then I don't want to work for someone like that.

As I try to figure out what my next chapter is I am going to enjoy being with Max and my mom and I know that all things happen for a reason.


  1. Nuts to the company for letting such a great person go. Glad to see you're optimistic and able to enjoy time with your amazing family.

  2. Wow, that is awful. I hope everything works out, and that you get some very much needed Max time!

  3. I said it before and I'll say it again, that is terrible how they did that and you are right, if they don't value a great person and worker, their loss. It is terrible to have to go through and I hope you do find your dream job/situation, but for now enjoy the extra max time, I'm sure he appreciates it! He is just the cutest!

  4. Oh gosh Im so sorry to hear about that! It sounds like you have a good attitude about it though and are able to move forward. Sorry that happened to you :(

  5. Thinking about you, Jen. Took all of us by surprise for sure. Enjoy this sweet time with Max!!

  6. that's crazy?! I'm so sorry to hear this news, their loss and at least you have a little more time with Max while he's this young... I can only imagine how upsetting/frustrating this is though! let me know if I can do anything/what industries you're looking in!
