
Monday, June 4, 2012

Look at This Face

Max was an angel on saturday letting us all go to costco, home depot and hang out with the beautiful weather we had this weekend without as much as a peep. We def. paid for it on sunday. He was a little terror to put it nicely. He just screamed most the day for no apparent reason. And here we thought he had turned a new leaf. I thought it was time for more photos of our little boy, who thankfully on most days is a good boy. I'm sorry my blog posts aren't that substantial, but between looking for jobs, taking care of Max, cleaning the house, laundry and making dinner (who am I kidding, my mom does the latter of the list most days) I run out of time to do much of anything else.
 Fun in the backyard pool with Gigi. Didn't mean to cut her off, but was trying to take fast pictures before Max got mad. He actually really liked it, because we made the water super warm. 
 Blanket time!

Check out Mr. blue eyes. Still wondering if they will stay this color or not. Love this photo. 


  1. So stinkin' cute! Can't wait to meet him this summer.

  2. He is so cute. Can't believe his blue eyes might stick!

  3. Like the song " How You Make My Brown Eyes Blue"

  4. He is SO stinkin cute!!!! I love all of the blanket time pictures! He's adorable!

  5. So freakin cute! It is so interesting how he can look completely different depending on the angle/setting. The other day he looked very similar to baby pictures I've seen of me, in that last one he looks completely different.

  6. agree with chris! so cute I'm coming soon baby boy!
