
Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Michelle 24 week update

Hey again everyone! Happy August (where does the time go?) Michelle here to update you on my pregnancy! A lot has gone on since I last blogged! My baby belly has definitely popped out. We have moved to San Antonio for James' training. I have an orientation scheduled for my doctor(s) here (notice I did not say appointment). I hope I can get in very shortly after my orientation for an actual appointment.  

How Far Along
I am 24 weeks (and some change)

Size of baby: Your baby's growing steadily, having gained about 4 ounces since last week. That puts her at just over a pound. Since she's almost a foot long (picture an ear of corn), she cuts a pretty lean figure at this point, but her body is filling out proportionally and she'll soon start to plump up. Her brain is also growing quickly now, and her taste buds are continuing to develop. Her lungs are developing "branches" of the respiratory "tree" as well as cells that produce surfactant, a substance that will help his air sacs inflate once he hits the outside world. Her skin is still thin and translucent, but that will start to change soon.
Total Weight Gain: about 14 pounds! Doctor said I'm doing great :) 

What I miss: COLD turkey lunch meat and hotdogs (it's probably because I know I'm not supposed to have it!)

Sleep: Sleeping on my sides is going ok, I really miss stomach sleeping. I have my sister's body pillow, but we're having a hard time fitting on our full bed we brought with us on the move

Symptoms: Really feeling pretty normal except my belly sticks out!

Cravings: Well my sweets craving is GONE. I really could care less about desserts. That being said, I did just buy a whole box of cookies..... but I don't HAVE to have them :) I really don't have any cravings anymore and I'm really not that hungry compared to my usual. 

Aversions: I recently did some tacos from Taco Cabana which I did enjoy..... Mexicans sounding ok now but I think I had this aversion prior to being pregnant

GenderBaby Girl Hadley Emilia 

Movement: She is moving around more and more. She started little pokes around 20 weeks and now it's more of kicks. She really gets going when I'm watching the Olympics (gymnastics in particular) hint of the future perhaps?!? It's mainly because I feel her when I sit still or after I eat. 

Maternity Clothes: Well I'm full on in them, except for dresses. I had to buy actual maternity shorts. It's HOT here in Texas and jeans will NOT cut it. I got pretty frustrated shopping for stuff because most of it is down right UGLY. I found some great dark denim shorts at Target and another pair I got from Kohls. 

Best Moments this past week: We finished up the sale of our house and moved to San Antonio! We are settled in nicely to our new apartment and liking it so far. I am not going to post pictures of it because we are bachelor college dorm styling it. I had a better-decorated apartment when I was in college so I had to add the word bachelor. Picture rubbermaid bins as coffee tables and tray tables as end tables/night stands. The apartment itself is very nice though with great amenities. 

What I'm looking forward to: Well as a sort of last minute plan, MY MOM, SISTER, AND MAX are coming to play!! They arrive on me and my sister's birthday next week (the big 2-9 WOAH)! We're going to go take Max to Sea World and go to the pool or just HANG! 

Milestones: With the arrival of our guests next week, I'm going to be buying some baby items for Hadley! Max is going to use Hadley's car seat while he's here so I'll need to get that! This will be our first thing I buy for her! I'm also going to get her pack and play so Max can sleep in that while he's here. I've had some serious clicker remorse. We registered this past weekend and I thought we were going to go pink! After we got home, I decided I wanted to go neutral. Poor James has been dragged to multiple babies r us several times in the last week plus he's like "whatever you want".  I've changed my mind about 5 times on patterns. I think we've made our FINAL choice for the carseat/stroller and play yard. I won't post on it just yet, because a lot can happen in my brain haha. 

I'll leave you with some photos. 

week 20/21
week 20/21

week 23 (last Saturday)

week 23


  1. Wow, definitely popping out a bit now, she's definitely in there! :o)

  2. You look fantastic! I can't wait to feel Hadley moving. Cross your fingers for an easy plan ride with Max.

  3. awe you look so great Michelle!!!! I love it :) When do you all move again?

  4. We've moved to San antonio until..... the training has been said to take anywhere between 4-5ISH months soooo what I'm hoping is I'll have baby here and then stay a couple weeks then we'll have to move to MS. So between T-giving and Christmas

  5. Loved reading your update! So exciting that Jen's coming to visit for y'alls birthday, so fun!

  6. You look great! That's exciting Jen, Max, and Gigi are coming to visit- Happy early birthday! Can't wait to see pics!

  7. You look so beautiful! Looooved reading your update and progress. Wish we could see your growing belly in person! So glad you are doing so well and baby girl is treating Mommy so nice :). Sure do miss you lots!!
    Josh, Jenny, & Melly :)
