
Friday, September 7, 2012

What We've Been Up To!

Sorry we've been MIA from the blog world. We've been busy! Here is some updates on whats been going on:

  • Michelle is still visiting and we had a very successful sauce-a-palooza (blog coming if I can find my other card with the photos on it)
  • We went to NY for the long labor day weekend
  • We had a shower for baby girl Hadley
  • We had the house appraisal and it appraised for the right number!!
  • I have had a few job interviews and some are very promising
  • Max has been sleeping through the night for the past 10 days, thanks to moms on call
No post is complete without some photos so here are some sneak previews from this past weekend.
 We stayed at Sandie and Mike's house (Jen's mom and our favorite neighbor) and she had so many toys for Max to play with and crib/changing table for mr. max. He liked the door jumper except he kept spinning in circles instead of bouncing. It was super cute.
 Uncle Chris and Max
 Sweets and Treats baby shower
Tutu for baby girl Hadley!
These are all separate blog posts that I need to get together at some point. We need to pack up the house as we're suppose to close on the 15th so bear with me on posts. Max is still the cutest ever and we love him to pieces. 


  1. such exciting stuff! can't wait to hear more about it all, fingers crossed for good news on the job front!

    ...and HOORAY about sleeping through the night! so glad moms on call is working for you!!

  2. oh my gosh we seriously have so much to catch up on!! I hope it works out where we can see each other next week. YEAH for Max sleeping through the night! YEAH for promising jobs. and YEAHHHH for the house appraising... isn't that the biggest relief ever?! haha talk to you soon!
