
Thursday, February 28, 2013

We Love Having Visitors!

We've had visitors at our house for the past few weeks and we have LOVED having them all!  We're so glad that our house can now hold 3 bedrooms worth of guests.  For Max's birthday weekend we had my brothers family, my sisters family and my Aunt Kathy come visit. 
My mom and her sister, Kathy were getting ready to go out shopping so I made Michelle take a photo before they headed out. Love the choice of scenery in the back yard.
Max wanted to take a photo with his great Aunt Kathy and he was making silly faces with his mouth. 
Come back any time! 
Last weekend we had my cousin Karen and her husband Bill come stay.  They live in Raleigh, NC with their daughter and husband.  Their other daughter, heather is teaching in South Korea so we got to skype her a few times.  We had a few squirmy kids and yes they were in PJ's again, so what they're cute and it was morning.
I'm so glad we get to see them down here because we used to always go to family gatherings in NY and we have definitely missed those.  Now we just need to convince them to head a bit further south to the ATL area so we can see them ALL the time! 
Elvis is in the building!  James had a weekend retreat where they went to Memphis, TN and had to alter a flight suit into Elvis attire.  My mom did a great job of adding some accents. 
I picked up the glasses and sideburns from party city.  Nice touch I think! 


  1. So glad you have a nice home to accommodate guests! And the Elvis costume is hilarious!!

  2. So great you've been able to host people in your new home! We're excited to move and hopefully be able to do the same thing before too long! 2 kids (almost) and a dog in our little two bedroom town house is getting a little tight :)

    And I nominated you for the leibster award. I've enjoyed keeping up with your family through your blog

  3. Good times all around, woot woot!

  4. I want to come visit!! Maybe late March I can plan another trip and tag along with Kyle!
