
Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Wild Things Birthday Party- Birthday Boy Part 2

I wish I had taken more photos of party guests, but as soon as people started coming it was time to mingle, play with the kids and get food ready to serve.  We took some before people started arriving. 
Little Miss. Hadley had her wild shirt on too to go with the theme. 
Michelle snuck a photo in with buddy. 
My mom, my brother, Marla and Hadley hanging out pre-party.
This was the best family photo we got.  Max was figgity and David is just as bad. 
David got on the mic to tell people it was cake time and Max was ready to take over (guess it runs in the family).
Me and my boy.
We got him in his crown to sing Happy Birthday and he wanted none of that.
He was not sure of the candle (or maybe that big monster nose).
Why is everyone singing and looking at me?
I'm ready to dig in. Cheeeeeese.
Let's start by moving this big nose out of the way.
Much better... They gave me a spoon! (He seriously was trying to eat the cake for like 30 mins).
Messy family photo.  Max had fun playing with all the kids (you can see a few in the background). 
He started doing this cheese face when my brother would take his picture and say, "Say cheese."
Gina wanted her photo taken with Max, but I couldn't get it to where they were both looking at my camera!
My little wild thing!
Us twins with our babies!  Michelle's baby looks way more like her than Max, but what can ya do.  He's a cutie, i'll keep him. 
Max wasn't having the present opening in front of guests so we opened when less people were around.  We are so thankful of everyone who came to celebrate.  Your generosity was truly appreciated although unnecessary.
Max really did get into helping me unwrap the gifts and cards. 
He loves all his ball poppers, trucks, drum, guitar, beach toys, clothes, books and puzzles.  He is a spoiled little boy.
I felt like it was my birthday opening all the fun gifts, I told David to act interested. 
How cute is this bucket that Erin got him filled with clothes and she even used her new cricut to print letters out with his name.  I love the personal touch.  As you can see, he is loving it already!
He got the cutest little Tom shoes from my brother and his wife.  He needs to start wearing shoes (as he really doesn't wear them at all).
Here he is trying them on.  So adorable.
He also loves to ride and push around his motorcycle. 
My sister got Max these awesome Where the Wild Things are sheets for when he is a big boy and gets a twin bed (sorry about Molly's behind).  They are from Pottery barn when they had this theme, but I went on there one day to see if they had them still and they were on sale! But when I tried to buy them it said sold out, so my sister went back the next day to try and it worked! She surprised me and we're excited to keep the theme going as we really haven't set his room back up since we moved.  We plan to keep it through his toddler days. 
Daddy and Max always have fun being silly together. 
Thank you for coming to my party!! I had a lot of fun.


  1. Looks like so much fun! Cute twin and baby photo :)

  2. Max is so cute with the cake! I love it. And I love the photo of you and your sister with your precious!

  3. Good times all around. Cheeeeese! :o)

  4. Great pictures I mean really :) he really does look like a wild thing all running around!
