
Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Weekend Recap: Sick Edition

I missed Monday on the blog, as I will explain in a minute. I'll start with a weekend recap in chronological order. 
Saturday morning we got our green on and headed over to Lanier High School. They were having a Taste of Lanier where local restaurants donated samples of food and all the kids on the athletic teams sold tickets for $10.  They had about 40 restaurants in there and the food portions were so generous. We could barely sample 10 places before we were full.  Don't worry, we kept going but we took some to go since we were rushed to get to the next event. 
We headed to the Suwanee beer fest Saturday afternoon on one of the best days we've had all year weather wise.  It was a perfect 70 degree day with breezy wind.  I under estimated the power of 70 degrees on skin that hasn't seen the sun in months... I got burned pretty bad (didn't even think about sunscreen).  Matt and Kerry joined us along with a bunch of David's guy friends.
Matt and David with their staches.  They said there were about 5,000 people there so we had David put his hat on so we could find the group easily. It worked pretty well. 
Matt, David, David, Darrin, David and Eric (we sure have a lot of Davids in the group).  
We had a cook out when we got back and mom said Max woke up extremely warm from his afternoon nap.
We took his temp and it was around 101.  We gave him Tylenol and I checked his temp every couple hours that night and it was steady at 100.6. 
Sunday was pretty rough, his eyes were very saggy and he was exhausted looking.  The Tylenol was no longer working so we called the doctor who instructed us to use some Motrin, but to be careful not to give it too often (6-8 hours instead of 4-6 with Tylenol). 
He slept with us on Sunday night and was up every hour or two just crying or wanting to be held.  He was just radiating heat and was so hot to the touch.  I stayed home with him yesterday and as long as he had the Motrin in him the temperature stayed down and he would eat, drink and play.
We definitely enjoyed our cuddle time with our buddy. He never falls asleep anywhere but his crib. 
Sweet boy.
Look at his poor little eyes. 
He was trying to show a smile.  He is much better today, he slept all night in his crib without a peep.  We gave him hopefully his last Motrin this morning so we're hoping he gets all better soon. 


  1. That poor baby! I hope he gets better quick!!

  2. Aww, what a little trooper. Love the attempt at cheeseface. Good job buddo, you're almost through your first fever. Get better soon buddy!

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  4. Gah! Can cold and flu season just be OVER already?!! I'm sick of being sick and having a sick baby! Hope Max is feeling better.
