
Wednesday, April 3, 2013

Cousin Love

Thank you everyone for all your comments on starting my new job. It was a very good day and I think I am going to like it a lot!  I'll leave you with some more photos from Easter in Mississippi of Max and his sweet cousin, Hadley. 
 How precious is she in her dress and bonnet! 
 Max was holding her foot.
Max giving her kisses (he does open mouth kisses for everyone when you ask him to give kisses).

 My happy boy! Love you buddy(yes, he still needs a haircut). 


  1. So cute! Love her bonnet! And his overalls! They are adorable!

  2. Haha...Thought for sure he was going to take a chunk out of Hadley with the open mouth kiss. :o) He is getting so big so fast!

  3. i mean we have the cutest kids of all time, just saying
